Thursday, May 24, 2018

5 Simple Video Creation Ideas Even if You’re a Newbie

Today you're going to learn 5 simple video creation ideas that will help you become an expert while generating 8-10 leads/day for your business. Whether you're brand new or running out of ideas, these tips will help you.

When you're creating videos on a consistent basis you will find that you'll be able to make money off the 90% who say “NO” to joining your business opportunity.

Make sure you share this with your team as this will help them.

Biggest Hurdle With Video Marketing
Outside of fear of creating videos, the other big reason why home business owners don't create videos is because they don't know what to talk about. Believe me I've been there, done that, and have the T-Shirt to show for it.

What helped me get over the block of what to talk about, was understanding this important concept from entrepreneur Ray Higdon.

This means you invest time and/or money in learning a particular skill, learn it, and then teach what you've learned. Regardless of what niche you are in, people go online to search for HOW TO DO SOMETHING.

When you can create videos that focus around this area, people will not only WATCH your videos, but they will want to buy your product or join your team.

Are you ready to learn how to do that?

Source: 5 Simple Video Creation Ideas Even if You’re a Newbie